Pace University NYC
Brand Marketing Team
2010 - State Farm

Challenge: Develop a fully integrated marketing communications program, to continue to change Young Adults perceptions of the State Farm brand, moving beyond the previous Now What? campaign into branded communication.
- Target: Independent Young Adults 18-25
- Timing: May 2010-May 2011
- Budget: $40 million
Business Goals and Objectives: Overall goal is to gain State Farm's fair share of the Young Adult market by changing the perception of State Farm among Young Adults, which will then lead to consideration of the brand and purchase. Primary objective is to achieve growth through new Young Adult Auto policies. Secondary objectives include achieving growth through:
- New Young Adult Renters policies
- Packaging (Changes to the current packaging graphics should not be recommended)
- Retention of Legacy Young Adult Auto policies (those Young Adults from an existing State Farm household)
- Retention of current Independent Young Adult Auto and Renters customers