Pace University NYC
Brand Marketing Team

2022 Team
Client: Meta Quest
Every single person this year cared so much about what we were doing. It was refreshing getting to be a part of a group who wanted to achieve something great, and we all worked hard on this. Looking back, this will be my best experience at Pace because we exceeded my expectorations with our campaign, and we had fun doing it. I love working with others and this experience taught me that collaboration is a beautiful thing that can create amazing pieces of work. I will always hold onto that mindset moving into my career. The late hours and long weekends also taught me more about dedication than any other project I worked on. That will be a huge benefit moving forward, and I wouldn’t trade in those hours or weekends for anything else because it helped us achieve our goals. Thank you, professors, for your dedication to this team. You’ve taught us all what passion for this field looks like. I look forward to watching the next teams win this thing.

Chase Hill, President / Presenter

Amber Corbett, Executive Director, Media
While I feel that there have been many benefits of being a member of the team, the greatest benefit in being a team member, in my opinion, is that the brand marketing team prepares you for the real-world way more than any class could. I have learned so many valuable things in my marketing classes but working as an agency with my peers was an invaluable experience that has been the highlight of my four years at Pace. Working as an agency has taken the anxiety away of not being ready for the real world and instead made me feel ready as a professional.
The greatest benefit of being a member of the team was definitely how much I learnt about the profession from this experience. One of my biggest fears going into senior year was the fact that I did not feel prepared to graduate. I didn’t know enough about how professional work environments worked, I didn’t have much more applied knowledge of marketing other than social media managing and what I had learnt in class. After all these months working, I can now say I am ready to graduate. I feel like a professional, and I know now I can succeed in a real ad agency because I know exactly how it works and what to do.
Danielle Freitas, Director for Below the Line initiatives / Presenter
For me, the greatest benefit in being a member of the team was the vast amount of knowledge I gained from working directly on a campaign. Compared to my regular marketing classes where we learn about a past campaign or case, when I was actually working on helping to create this campaign, I believe I learned so much, from how to research your target all the way to different tactics to have, I gained so much insight on how to create a good campaign for the client. Being on this team really did increase my passion towards marketing, and the knowledge I gained from being part of this team will be used and applied not only to my future classes but also any future job I may have.
Salsabeel Karam, Chief Operating Officer / Executive Director, Presentation
The greatest benefit of being on this team, in addition to now being fully familiar to the creation of a campaign plans book, was being able to work on a team with students who not only equally prioritized the team but also were professional when needed and asked to be. I grew as an individual and also as a professional with the rest of the team.
Elana Xu, Executive Director, Account Planning / Director, Model Production
I feel that the greatest benefit has been the lesson that when any group of people put their mind to something and you all work hard, it will pay off. This experience showed me how rewarding it is when you actually finish something as monumental as a whole campaign pitch.
Nate Shectman, Co-Executive Creative Director / Presenter
I believe there were many benefits to being a member of the Brand Marketing Team.
• It helped me become more accountable and responsible for any work I was supposed to do.
• It helped me gain confidence in my abilities as a marketing student by allowing me to apply all the learned concepts into the real world for a real client. It helped seeing everything come together.
• I got to learn so much through both professors’ guidance and from their many years of experience.
• I learnt how to turn problems into opportunities by seeing examples of how both professors would do that in our campaign. It got me thinking in different ways.
• I was able to strengthen my leadership qualities working as a producer.
• I learnt what it felt like to work in an agency. It was something I wanted to explore for my career.
Anshicca Somaiya, Media / Producer
Unreplaceable experience of being in a real-life agency, which includes but is not limited to:
• Time-management skills
• Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment
• Leadership skills and managing people
• Professionally working with people who are talented and diligent
• Creating ads and designing a plans book
• Learning how to pitch campaign idea to clients
Luanne Dinh, Co-Executive Creative Director / Presenter
Now that the competition is done, I truly understand what Professor Nankin said about how being a part of this team takes you from being “a student to being a professional.” I loved that this course was not meant to feel like an actual class and that it was to teach us what it’s like to be in an actual agency. For me this was a course that initially had me coming in with a lot of questions about my career path and what I want to do. Being a member of the media department allowed me to explore my passion for media and understand that there is so much work that goes into this field. It also taught me that you must put a lot of trust in other people and understand that if there are mistakes made one needs to know what can be done to fix them in the fastest but most effective way possible. I think another benefit of being on this team was the ability to learn from other people and understand their thought process. Overall, the benefit is that you do become a professional at the end of it.
Nicole Martins, Media / Director, Presentation
Being on the Brand Marketing team allowed me to gain a hands-on experience of the full process of building a campaign. Throughout other courses and even my own career, the departments are so concentrated on one specific area that it is challenging to understand the bigger picture and see how research, media planning, and creative work together in real-time. Working so closely with peers from different business backgrounds helped me learn better communication, teamwork, and skills beyond just creative. I also feel that the rigorousness of this experience has helped condition me for my next steps as a professional. There are so many other benefits that I cannot entirely put to words, but I feel stronger and am more prepared due to the growth that I experienced from being on the team.
Maia Brown, Creative
The knowledge and hands on experience is what I valued most and saw as the greatest benefit.
This experience showed what it ACTUALLY is like working in an ad agency. Working in creative
made me realize how much I want to pursue this as my career. Conceptualizing and then
creating the 30 and 15 second ads was an experience I will never forget and hope to do more in
my career in the future. Also, this experience helped me work in a team and listen to other
people’s ideas and how to implement them.
Steven Morea, Creative
The greatest benefit of being on the team was having a realistic agency experience and materials to show future employers. I have begun to interview for jobs and have already been able to speak about this campaign process and how my role worked in account planning and media planning. I look forward to being able to speak more in depth about it, especially now that the competition has concluded. I am very proud of the final product and I know in interviews I will have an advantage, having this real experience, compared to other candidates who did a more "normal” marketing program at their university.
Erik Mayerson, Account Planning / Media
This was an experience I would not have been able to get in another class. Of course, a professor can make us create a campaign for a client, but the work is nowhere near as meticulous. It was also great to work with a whole group of hardworking, smart, and kind people. Usually, in class, there is always one slacker that does nothing, but this group of people is truly amazing.
Elva Lee, Account Planning / Media