Pace University NYC
Brand Marketing Team

2020 Team
Client: Adobe

Brandon Bonilla, Head of Media, 2020 Team
All in all, the campaign we produced is something I have been talking about a lot during my interview for jobs. I managed a [department] of 7/8 people. I conceptualized my own media plan from scratch, inclusive of both strategy and individual tactics. Worked with account planning to make sure KPI’s were being met. Developed a flowchart to manage budget. ALL things that are applicable in the real world. In fact, much of the work I did at Starcom over the summer carried over to the team flawlessly and I firmly believe that my work on the team will carry over to my future employment just as smoothly.
Before taking this course, I had general knowledge to marketing and building a campaign. Being part of Pace University’s Brand Marketing Team gave me an opportunity to learn the entire process of building an advertising campaign. Brand Marketing Team functioned as a hands-on experience that allowed students to collaborate in the most effective way possible. It is an experience that will require you to dedicate a lot of your time but will continuously challenge and motivate you. One of the greatest benefits of this team is the members and both professors you work with. Members who are selected to be part of the team are always willing to contribute their best work. As we move throughout the year, students aggregate effective research and acquire skills which are certainly beneficial to bring with us into the professional landscape. Additionally, both Professors motivate you to develop the most realistic yet creative ideas. Lastly, a great benefit the team has provided me was the chance to work on my resume and navigate me towards the right direction in my respective career path.

Lara Paikoff, Account Planning / Director of Presentation, 2020 Team
Brand marketing not only taught me more then all my other marketing classes combined but helped to make me feel smart and equipped with tools I need to enter the job force. My confidence has built up tremendously through the process! I think a lot of people leave college and feel like they learned nothing. This class alone made my college experience worthwhile, and I feel so lucky I am privileged enough to afford an education and be able to take advantage of the great professors and students I met through this experience. It is something I wish everyone could have the opportunity to do!
Madison Pringle, Creative / Presenter, 2020 Team
I’m extremely thankful for being accepted onto this team. Although I was one of the three to join late, everyone made me feel welcomed, and took the time to catch me up on everything I had missed. In addition, starting out in the media department gave me an insight of the type of research I would have to conduct and all the factors you have to consider when working with a B2B product, rather than a B2C, which was very unique and informative. Once I joined the creative department, I was able to dive deeper into creative strategies utilized in B2B campaigns. This challenged me in the greatest way possible because I was typically focused on B2C campaigns. Overall, the extensive real world experience gained while working with the Brand Marketing team was the greatest benefit in being a member of the team.
Chelsea Cahoon, Media & Creative, 2020 Team
The greatest benefit being a member of the team is being able to learn how to fully put a campaign together, from initial brainstorming, to writing, to learning about adtech. This was definitely the most valuable experience I have had at university, and I have learned more in BMT than any other class.
Mia Janse van Rensburg, President, 2020 Team
I feel the greatest benefit in being a member of the team was having the experience and ability to say that I, along with a great team, was able to put together a strong pitch deck and have a heavy involvement in the strategy development through media tactics. Having this physical representation of the work produced is a great benefit to the course, as it is something I can talk about in future interviews. It is a differentiating factor between me and other candidates who do not have such an experience.
Nikki Noorian, Head of Account Planning and BTL, 2020 Team
The greatest benefit of being on the team was working on something that truly mattered. The experience I gained on BMT can be brought with me into the real world. I learned how to organize and manage a project with multiple departments, how to problem solve, and work with department heads on how to succeed as a team. As COO, I felt that I was able to grow as a leader and learn how to better communicate and delegate tasks. Yes, I committed and dedicated myself to the Brand Marketing Team, but the work we produced also made me extremely passionate about being on this team and its success. While not everyone may have had the same level of dedication, working with those who did, made it much more enjoyable. Overall, the greatest benefit was producing work equivalent to the real world and working with individuals who were dedicated to the success of it.
Taylor Markarian, Chief Operating Officer / Executive Producer, 2020 Team
This process allowed me to work on a high-scale campaign with a team during a pandemic, which I think is a very unique experience that has prepared me for the future in a ton of new ways. I have learned the process and communication that must happen in order to create a successful campaign and also learned how to work under less-than ideal circumstances. This process is something that not a lot of students will have experienced, and I believe it has prepared me for what the future has to offer in the workplace as well as any insane circumstances that I might have to work under. I believe that this experience really allowed me to develop my skills further and turn into a professional worker on a team rather than just a student working on a group project.
Erika Ramos, Media, 2020 Team
Being a part of BMT has brought many benefits and definitely has taught me a lot about what working in the field of marketing is like. The team has demonstrated to me how interesting and multifaceted marketing really is and got me more interested in it. The greatest benefit for me was that it taught me the importance of group cooperation and the ability to communicate with your team. It really prepares you to be a professional who is on top of their tasks.
Sonya Svetenko, Media, 2020 Team
The greatest benefit of being a member of the team for me was that I learned so much in-depth information about marketing from my peers and through research and then actually applied it. This experience has been a blessing to me after taking Advertising and Promotion…. I don’t think I could have learned so quickly about so many things. Even though many things were new, I tried my best to understand as they hit me in my face in this journey. I will forever be grateful for this amazing learning experience.
Rishabh Bisht, Media, 2020 Team
The greatest benefits I got from the team had to be actually working on the development of the campaign, mainly of the organizing idea and creative strategy. As this is the part of advertising I want to develop my career around, the experience I gained from the team was extraordinary. Also, with the rigorous workload and amount of time we had to put into this campaign, I feel the team gave me a feel for what the real world is like.
Christian Torrado, Creative / Presenter, 2020 Team